Zambézia: Ossufo Momade promises to solve people's problems

Zambézia: Ossufo Momade promete resolver os problemas do povo

Renamo's presidential candidate, Ossufo Momade, has promised to be the solution to the population's problems if he is elected President of the Republic.

In Zambezia province, the second largest constituency, where he continues to campaign, Ossufo Momade says he knows the people's problems and promises to solve them.

"We know about your problems. We're going to fight sexual harassment in schools, we're going to fight the political persecution that goes on here. When we become president, we're going to fight premature unions, because children belong in school, in order to develop the country," he said, as quoted by the newspaper "O País."

And he didn't stop there: "When we become government, we're going to recover the production of these coconut palms that once provided jobs for our parents," referring to the palm grove that once belonged to the now-defunct Borrori company.

"We're going to look for investors so that we can continue to produce here, in these coconut groves. You will have jobs and you will develop the economy. So, only by voting for Renamo will we have these projects up and running," he said.

Ossufo Momade also promised to set up a financial institution to promote the fishing sector, with a focus on industrializing the sector and exporting fish.

On the occasion, Ossufo Momade introduced Maria Dlhakama, one of the daughters of Renamo's historic leader Afonso Dhlakama, who has come to strengthen Renamo's campaign. (Source: O País)

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