Uber offers free rides between Ukrainian border and Polish cities

Uber, a provider of electronic transportation services, said it will offer unlimited free rides for refugees between the Ukraine border and Polish cities.

According to a company note, the purpose of this measure is to "support refugees and their families," but also to provide "free transportation for employees of Migrant Reception Centers and for the delivery of goods to NGO warehouses in Poland."

In addition, the company also noted that it will create and make available a donation button in Uber's U.S. app. The company says it will match all donations up to $1 million, indicating that it will make an additional $500,000 donation to the International Federation of the Red Cross and the U.S. World Food Program.

Finally, Uber said that it has collected "60 tons of essential goods" in Romania, and said it is working with the International Red Cross to transport them to Ukraine.

These measures will be accompanied by more support for Uber drivers in Ukraine, who will be able to count on advance payments and even help for their families if they want to move to other countries or safer areas.

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