The governing bodies, namely the Boards of Directors and respective Fiscal Councils, of the commercial companies Águas da Região do Norte, SA, Águas da Região do Centro, SA and Águas da Região do Sul, SA, recently created by FIPAG - Fundo de Investimento e Património do Abastecimento de Água, as part of the ongoing institutional reform, were sworn in last Thursday in Maputo.
Indeed, Francisco Mapica assumes the position of chairman of the board of directors of Águas da Região do Norte, João Pereira chairs the board of directors of Águas da Região do Centro, and, in turn, Augusto Chipenembe assumes the chairmanship of the board of directors of Águas da Região do Sul.
Speaking during the ceremony, Víctor Tuacale, president of the General Assembly of the three companies, pointed out that the advantage of the present institutional reform lies in the fact that it is possible to separate the function of assignor from that of operator, which, until now, were concentrated in the same entity.
"We count on the total dedication of the inductees to the cause of resilient and inclusive sustainable development of water supply services, in the regions where they will operate," said Víctor Tuacale, adding that "the constructive and ambitious posture that we want to characterize the action of the companies, which are entrusted to you today, will be the only way to assume a humble, respected and determinant position for the achievement of sustainable development objectives and the Five-Year Government Plan (PQG)."
Despite the frank acknowledgement that those sworn in have a difficult mission to meet the expectations of the people in the areas where they will be installed, as emphasized by Victor Tuacale, the institution encourages the new leaders to strive to consolidate the improvement in the provision of services to customers/consumers, lending favorable conditions to all users of drinking water services in the urban area where FIPAG has a management mandate.
"We believe in you, we believe in a responsible, motivating leadership, based only on the spirit of well-service, which is characteristic of us. Each one of you has been entrusted wisely for having demonstrated, over the years, the ability, experience, professionalism and suitability to deserve the confidence to meet the goals set by the sector," he stressed.
In another development, Víctor Tuacale indicated that the structural changes underway at FIPAG should not exonerate the institution's responsibilities, as the implementing arm of the Government's actions, with regard to the supply of water in urban areas.
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