Tanzania threatens those who publish homosexual content

Tanzânia ameaça quem publique conteúdos homossexuais

The Tanzanian government on Monday spoke out against the publication of content on social networks that promotes homosexual relations and warned that those responsible for it may face justice.

"Let me take this opportunity to issue a warning to anyone distributing these contents to the community: strong action will be taken against anyone involved," Tanzania's Information Minister Nape Nnauye warned, as quoted by Tanzanian newspaper 'The Citizen'.

In this way, the Minister said he was defending children from what he described as inappropriate content. "It is everyone's responsibility, starting with parents, guardians and schools, where children spend a lot of time studying," he said.

Nnauye stressed that even administrators of WhatsApp groups can be found guilty under current legal measures and made it clear that Tanzania will seek to completely block such material.

"After close monitoring of the videos that are being distributed, we realize that through the globalization of content around the world, some viewers of paid content have seen that type of content and distributed it on social media," he criticized.

Tanzanian authorities set up a body in March 2018 to oversee the publication of content that promotes homosexuality.

Same-sex relationships are illegal in Tanzania, and those convicted face up to 30 years in prison. (Observador/Lusa)

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