Peace Room and EU call voting process orderly

Sala da Paz e UE consideram ordeiro processo de votação

Through its joint election observation platform, the Peace Room describes the start of the process as positive, despite the occurrence of some illicit acts.

Among some of the illicit acts that took place, the platform reports a delay in the start of voting in some polling stations, a change of position and in some places the absence of the Podemos party on the ballot papers.

"This characterization was carried out in 2,982 polling stations, corresponding to 91.6% of the polling stations visited. With regard to the remaining 273, or 8.4%, the environment was characterized by lengthy queues, some disorganization on the part of the MMVs, insufficient voting material which leads to delays in opening the table, voters seeking to reserve space in the queues for absent people and attempts by allegedly hurried voters to obstruct the queue," explains the Peace Room.

With several observers distributed throughout the country, the European Union also classifies the first hours of this electoral process as orderly, despite some problems with the handling of electoral material by the MMVs.

According to Laura Ballarin, Head of Mission, the EU has not reported any noteworthy incidents, however, early this morning, "our teams sent the forms from 74 polling stations and our central team has been analyzing these forms.

With these results, the Mission noted that most of the polling stations opened on time or with some delay due to a lack of material or some lack of organization".

Made up of joint platforms and more, the observers remain in the country to do their job, which is to verify the electoral process, and they promise to issue their opinions afterwards.

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