Passenger trains resume running this year on the Beira/Moatize railway

The circulation of passenger trains on the railway line between Beira, in Sofala, and Moatize, in Tete province, interrupted due to the covid-19 pandemic, will resume at the end of this year, official sources said.

Miguel Matabele, president of the board of directors of Ports and Railways of Mozambique said quoted by Radio Mozambique that next October, new carriages and railcars will arrive in the country, imported from India, aiming to reinforce the fleet of passenger transportation on the central railway line of the country.

The source indicated that the acquisition of new locomotives aims to guarantee comfort to the users who use the trains as a means of transportation to move from one point to another.

It should be noted that the circulation of long distance passenger trains between Beira and the stations of Marromeu, in Sofala and Moatize in Tete, was suspended about two years ago, due to measures to prevent the new coronavirus.

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