Speaking to RDP Africa, the president of the CNE, Dom Carlos Matsinhe, expressed his indignation at the level of irregularities reported in this electoral process. According to Matsinhe, the electoral bodies.
are startled to learn that there are houses where they are registering voters. These, he adds, are things that come as a surprise to "us too as electoral bodies"
states that "We are not prepared to know that there is a census being carried out outside the approved census offices. We approved the map of census offices by resolution".
For the president of the CNE, it is important that the law is followed to the letter so that irregularities can be corrected. He recognizes that it is the responsibility of the electoral bodies to correct these problems. He believes that these deviations are being made by people that they, as electoral bodies, are unaware of. He concluded that "we don't know at whose behest" people are committing these irregularities. (CIP)
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