The President of the Republic, Daniel Chapo, called on PRM agents to avoid acts that jeopardize the good image of the corporation and the Mozambican state.
Chapo also said that the actions of the police should be impartial, transparent and sensitive to the needs of the people.
Daniel Chapo was speaking today in Maputo during the graduation ceremony for the Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Police Science.
On the occasion, the Commander-in-Chief of the Defense and Security Forces (FDS) stressed that the country still faces many challenges linked to crime, and the application of science and technology is fundamental to "enable the prediction and control of criminal phenomena".
Chapo also said that police activity takes place in the community and that members of the police should avoid acts that jeopardize the good image of the corporation.
"In this context, harmful practices such as corruption, extortion, patronage, nepotism, indiscipline, lack of grooming, lack of respect for the citizen, among other practices that ultimately discredit our Mozambican state are unacceptable in our corporation, after all, you represent the authority of this state," he said, quoted in a publication by "O País".
Daniel Chapo added that the new members of the PRM are joining at a challenging time for the country, characterized by "organized and transnational crime, illegal, violent and criminal demonstrations, public disorder, lack of respect for law and order agents, including municipal agents, sabotage to the economy and the country," so the corporation must be prepared.
Chapo also called for attention to be paid to incitement to violence against human beings through the use of digital platforms, stressing that: "No Mozambican can be prevented from moving freely and transporting their goods, wherever they may go."
The Head of State challenged Acipol managers to pay particular attention to the civic and patriotic education of young people, especially human rights, international humanitarian law, terrorism, organized crime, conflict mediation and the environment.
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