Porsche Taycan Cross Turismo enters the Guinness Book of Records

The Porsche Taycan Cross Turismo has entered the Guinness Book of Records by reaching the highest altitude ever for an electric car. It was more than 4,800 meters in altitude.

A team led by JF Musial is usually behind the cameras filming everything they can about cars, but this time they jumped into the Porsche Taycan Cross Turismo and made it the 100% electric car that has reached the highest altitude meters in the world.

According to Notícias ao Minuto, the German company's electric model reached an altitude of exactly 4,842,967 meters, so if anyone wants to beat them, they already know the mark to beat.

To climb up, you first had to be at the lowest point possible, and the lowest point in the USA is Badwater Basin in Death Valley, at 86 meters below sea level. To go deeper, only by going underground. And that is exactly what the team driving the Porsche did.

Workers at the Eagle mine were on hand to help, and it should be noted that this high-grade nickel and copper mine is the only one in the USA where a car can be driven. The Taycan Cross Turismo was lowered to 540.8 meters below sea level.

Being at the lowest point, the goal was then to reach the highest point at Pikes Peak in Colorado. No less than six US states were traveled to get there and set the record. One only stopped to charge the car battery... and in this case the drivers.

Watch the video through this link: https://youtu.be/dTWxzf82iVc

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