Fishermen set fire to INAMAR inspection post

Pescadores incendeiam posto de fiscalização do INAMAR

On Thursday morning, a group of fishermen from the Icidua fishing center in the city of Quelimane, Zambezia province, set fire to the inspection post of the National Sea Institute (INAMAR) in Chipaca.

They justify the act as a response to the seizure of fish and fishing nets by INAMAR agents, as part of the inspection of the closed season, according to " Noticias."

In addition to the post, the fishermen set fire to a boat after they moved it from the grounds of the institution to the interior of the Icidua neighborhood.

The source revealed that the agents' actions were due to the fishermen's refusal to bribe them.

The situation led to unrest in the Icidua neighborhood, with police officers and people clashing. Meanwhile, the maritime authorities have yet to comment on the situation. (Source: News)

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