Ossufo Momade promises housing fund for young people

Ossufo Momade promete fundo de habitação para jovens

Renamo's presidential candidate, Ossufo Momade, has promised to create a housing fund for young people if he wins the elections to be held in a few days' time.

At the "Dhlakama market" in the town of Xai-Xai, where Momade rallied this Saturday, he said he had a solution to reduce the difficulties young people have in getting a house.

"We know that many young people, recent graduates and newlyweds need housing and we have in our program to facilitate and promote access to housing for young people. We know that this isn't easy and that's why we have in our project the creation of a fund to guarantee access to housing for young people," he said, quoted by the newspaper "O País."

Gaza province, considered a Frelimo stronghold, this time listened attentively to Renamo's election manifesto, sometimes applauding Ossufo Momade's election manifesto.

"Doctors and nurses are demotivated because they don't have decent salaries, and we want to change that. We want to improve the hospitals, where there will be no shortage of medicines, where patients will have beds and there will be no shortage of medicines."

Another point the candidate mentions is the poor performance of the police, which he believes will only end if the police stop serving the parties and become exclusively republican.

"We are going to improve the performance of the police so that it is a state police, a republican police, a police that is focused on serving the interests of the state and the people."

On Saturday night, Ossufo Momade entered Maputo province through Vila da Manhiça, where he was welcomed by thousands of people, including Renamo members and supporters, especially the secretary-general and the head of the list running for governor of Maputo province.

Renamo will close the election campaign today, Sunday, in the T3 neighborhood in Maputo province.

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