Ossufo Momade says Mozambique is still not at peace

Ossufo Momade diz que Moçambique ainda não esta em paz

Ossufo Momade, president of the Renamo party, the country's main opposition, said that as long as terrorism and kidnappings prevail, the country cannot be said to be at peace.

Momade was speaking yesterday in Vilankulo as part of the celebration of the 32nd anniversary of the General Peace Accords.

"At the moment, we can't say that Mozambique is at peace when we have brothers and sisters in Cabo Delgado being killed by terrorism and the absence of the state. Many of our brothers and sisters are displaced by war, in need and crying out for action from all of us," he said, quoted by "O Pais".

In addition to terrorism, Ossufo also spoke about kidnappings and abductions in the south. "The wave of kidnappings that has been growing in Maputo City under the impassive gaze of the government and the Defense and Security Forces, are also indicators that we are not at peace in the country," he continued.

However, even assuming that peace is not yet complete, Ossufo Momade did not fail to welcome the "big step" in the search for peace achieved between Renamo and the government.

"The peace process wasn't easy, it wasn't just about signing agreements, it was about understanding and mutual respect, where you have to cultivate peace and respect differences. Reconciliation requires truth, justice and, above all, empathy."

The Perdiz leader expressed his commitment to maintaining peace and reiterated that more needs to be done because "every step we take towards building a fairer society is a tribute to those who fought and to the value of a future in which everyone can live in harmony". (Source: O País)

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