Niassa: more than USD 11 million invested in building water supply infrastructure

Niassa: investido mais de USD 11 milhões na construção de infra-estruturas de abastecimento de água

Niassa province invested more than eleven million dollars last year in the construction, rehabilitation and upgrading of water supply infrastructures, sanitation units and sanitation facilities.

The data was released this Friday in Lichinga at the meeting of the Supervisory Committee of the Transparent Governance Program for Water, Sanitation and Health - GOTAs, according to Radio Mocambique.

The actions contributed to raising the level of drinking water coverage to 46,68% through the rehabilitation and construction of ninety mechanical water supply boreholes.

The improvement in the provision of health services to communities, the control of open defecation in the districts covered by the program and the reduction in cases of diarrhea are other achievements.

Despite this progress, the Niassa government and cooperation partners are concerned about the poor quality of the infrastructure, the lack of transparency in contracting, the failure to meet construction deadlines and budget execution.

For this year, the Provincial Director of Planning and Finance, Francisco Guerra, announced an investment of more than 140 million meticais for the construction of more water supply infrastructures.

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