Maputo municipality says garbage collection is under control

Município de Maputo diz que recolha de lixo está controlada

The Maputo City Council says that the garbage situation, which for some months had been infesting the city and creating discomfort for residents of the capital and beyond, is under control. 

 The information is provided by the Municipal Health Director, quoted in the newspaper "O País".

According to the source, the municipality is currently buying its own means of collecting solid waste in the country's capital.

The council also says that it will once again set up weighbridges at the Hulene dump to control the amount of garbage collected by the contractors.

 ECO LIFE, one of the companies contracted to collect waste in Maputo City, said that it has been monitoring the amount of waste it takes to the Hulene dump.

In the meantime, the weighbridge is not working at the Hulene dump these days and the municipality is relying on the history of the companies to control the quantities collected.

The Maputo City Council also says it is reinforcing its resources for emergency waste collection situations.

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