The deadlines for the delivery of the works included in the cross-border project to supply water to the villages of Namaacha and Lomahasha, in Mozambique and the Kingdom of Eswatini, respectively, have been compromised.
According to Rádio Moçambique, the works were due to be handed over next November, but have been postponed until January next year.
The project, called LONA, plans to benefit fifty thousand inhabitants of the two border towns, with twenty-three thousand in Namaacha.
While waiting for the project to solve the cycle of water shortages, the municipality of Namaacha is supplying the town's neighborhoods three times a week, according to the president of the municipal council, Paulo Chitiva
"We think we will improve in the coming days with the introduction of the LONA project, which is already 30% into its works," he said, quoted by RM.
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