MEC ensures compliance with school calendar despite delay due to Cyclone Jude

MEC assegura cumprimento do calendário escolar apesar do atraso devido ao ciclone Jude

The Ministry of Education and Culture says that there is a lesson recovery plan for students affected by Cyclone Jude, floods and demonstrations in the country.

These are students who, like those in Gaza province, also affected by the floods, have seen their studies for this year jeopardized. But the Ministry of Education and Culture assures us that the school calendar designed for 2025 will not be compromised.

The MEC even says that the timetable will be followed until the end, with exams taking place on the dates initially planned, not least because students don't take exams according to their time at school, but according to the load of subjects taught.

Quoted in the newspaper "O País", the spokesman for the Ministry of Education, Silvestre Dava, also assures that there is a recovery plan for the destroyed schools to allow a quick return to classes.

Regarding the information on the implementation of Mandarin in the school curriculum, the Ministry of Education and Culture clarifies that there are no short-term plans to introduce another foreign language.

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