Manica: Individual arrested on charges of counterfeiting new series of Metical notes

Manica: Indivíduo detido indiciado de falsificar nova série de notas do Metical

An individual has been arrested in the city of Chimoio, in Manica province, on charges of counterfeiting the new series of metical notes.

Three thousand meticais banknotes and others from Malawi, Sri Lanka and Zimbabwe were found in the detainee's possession, the National Criminal Investigation Service (SERNIC) told Rádio Moçambique.

In addition to the banknotes, SERNIC says it has confiscated the material used to counterfeit national currency notes.

The citizen, who holds a Mozambican passport, is a Tanzanian national, according to Paulo Candeeiro, spokesman for the Provincial Criminal Investigation Directorate in Manica.

This is the second time that an individual has been arrested for counterfeiting metical notes in less than a week in Manica province.

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