José Manteigas says that Ossufo Momade is the only candidate with the requirements for the presidential race

José Manteigas diz que Ossufo Momade é o único candidato com requisitos para a corrida presidencial

The spokesman for Mozambique's largest opposition party, José Manteigas, says that Ossufo Momade is the party's only candidate who meets the requirements to run in the presidential elections. 

In an interview with the newspaper "O País", and in a clear dig at the supporters of Venâncio Mondlane's candidacy, Manteiga said that running in the local elections is not enough for people to consider themselves better than the President of Renamo.

Furthermore, the Renamo spokesman goes further and speaks of an attempt to discredit the current leadership in the name of personal interests.

"We know that there is an attempt to discredit President Ossufo Momade, because some are in the party to achieve personal goals and not the interests of the Renamo party," said Manteigas in the interview.

However, he assumes that Ossufo Momade's candidacy may not be consensual. To those who point out other potential internal candidates.

Manteiga also says that the fact that a good result was achieved in Maputo does not mean that the candidate is better than the President of Renamo.

"And those others, where we won, don't have the capacity? When they say that Venâncio has to be the candidate, where did they hear that, where was it deliberated? Even these analysts have heard from which body that Venâncio has to be a candidate?" the politician asked.

The Renamo spokesman adds that, historically, the party leader is the candidate in the presidential race. Source: O País

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