Suspects in the kidnapping of businessman Sanjei Chadrakane are now in custody

Já estão detidos os suspeitos do rapto do empresário Sanjei Chadrakane

Three suspects in the kidnapping of Mozambican businessman Sanjei Chadrakane are being held in the maximum security prison, known as the BO.

He is Harum Rasid Mamud Ravat, 45, from India. indiana, Antonio patricio, and Jorge Augusto. Jussubo António Patrício, 51, from the province of Zambezia. Jorge Augusto Almedsia Júnior, 26, from Beira.

According to a note from the Maputo City Judicial Court, the defendants will now await further proceedings by order of the Public Prosecutor's Office.

The kidnapping took place last Thursday at around 2pm, when the victim was inside her business.

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