"Government continues its efforts to strengthen democracy" - Manuel Gonçalves

“Governo continua a envidar esforços para o fortalecimento da democracia” – Manuel Gonçalves

The Mozambican government guarantees that it is continuing its efforts to strengthen democracy by holding regular elections.

The assurance was given during the twenty-seventh Summit of the Heads of Government of the Commonwaelth, which took place this Friday and Saturday in Apia, the capital of Samoa, writes Radio Mocambique.

The deputy foreign minister, Manuel Gonçalves, said that in addition to the continued strengthening of democracy in the member states, Mozambique addressed issues such as the impact of climate change and finally, digitalization versus artificial intelligence.

"Mozambique addressed the continued strengthening of democracy in the country through the regular holding of general elections, the last of which took place on October 9. We take this opportunity to thank the Commonwealth for sending the observation mission in response to Mozambique's invitation," he said.

At this summit of Commonwealth countries, the Mozambican delegation was led by the Minister of Transport and Communications, Mateus Magala, representing the President of the Republic, Filipe Nyusi. (RM)

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