Google doesn't want to miss the race and tests ChatGPT-like chatbot

Google não quer perder a corrida e testa chatbot parecido ao ChatGPT

ChatGPT has been the talk of the town all over the world. After all, an artificial intelligence platform capable of developing any topic textually comes in handy, right? Not to be outdone in the technological race, Google is planning to launch a homepage that includes a chatbot capable of answering questions.

Called Apprentice Bard, this innovation, according to "Marketeer", brings something new that ChatGPT doesn't yet have: the ability to talk about recent events. ChatGPT, from OpenAI, has limited knowledge about the world after 2021, since that was the year it stopped being "fed", but Apprentice Bard is more up-to-date and can provide information about recent events.

US source CNBC points out that this platform provides a more humanized chatbot experience, as it provides answers as if it were a conversation. In essence, ChatGPT already offers this possibility, but Google is still at an early stage in the development of the platform, which could mean changes to the model until it is ready to be used by all of the tech giant's users.

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