Gaza: Floods leave four roads impassable

Gaza: Inundações deixam quatro estradas intransitáveis

Four roads are impassable and two are blocked due to flooding in Gaza province. The water level of the Limpopo River remains high.

Nelson Horácio, Head of the Planning Department of the National Roads Administration in Gaza, said, as quoted by "O País", that of the four roads, two depend on the water level of the Limpopo River. He also says that as long as the river remains high, the roads will not be passable.

"We have roads that depend on the water level of the Limpopo River. When it overflows, they are always impassable," said Horácio, as quoted by the newspaper.

ANE says that the monitoring period is currently underway, but work on the roads has been conditioned due to the rain.

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