Businessman Ibrahim Seedat Released Upon Ransom Payment

The businessman Ibrahim Seedat, who was kidnapped in the city of Chimoio, Manica province, on the night of July 07, returned on Monday to his family life after his peers paid for his ransom.

In a press conference the Police of the Republic of Mozambique in that city confirmed the return of the businessman.

"The police hereby confirm that the citizen kidnapped a few days ago here in the city of Chimoio is already back with his family," said the PRM spokesman in Manica, Mateus Mindú.

The spokesman said it is a delicate case whose nature is complex because it is within the scope of organized crime, being currently in the preparatory instruction phase working with the National Criminal Investigation Service (SERNIC).

The police declined to comment on the amount involved for the rescue of the 60-year-old businessman and the negotiation process.

On the other hand, Matthew Mindú said that the police have clues that may lead to the tracking down of the individuals who held the Patel House owner captive,

A businessman in the victim's relations told that the family was threatened by the trafficking network not to give details about the ransom transaction, which the kidnappers called a "ransom commission," paid in cash.

PRM said the businessman was in good health with a pristine physical appearance, but VOA, which quotes an official at the businessman's residence wrote, "the businessman was pale and visibly traumatized by the kidnapping."

The captivity where the citizen was being held was in the city of Beira (Sofala), and a friend of the businessman's family allegedly brought him back to Chimoio.

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