Energy company brings South African fast food giant into its ranks

Empresa de energia traz gigante sul africana de fast food para os seus posto

Energy company brings South African fast food giant King Pie to its outlets. The initiative starts at the Praça da OMM and Mahotas stores in Maputo.

Galp Moçambique announced last Thursday, June 27, an innovative partnership with King Pie, South Africa's leading fast food company, bringing a new dimension of convenience and taste to Galp's gas stations in Maputo.

The relationship between the energy company and the food chain aims to broaden and improve the customer experience by making King Pie quick meals available in prime locations.

Praça da OMM and Mahotas are the first points in the Galp network to debut this new convenience concept, which anticipates and addresses the needs of our customers.

"This is a partnership between two companies that are truly benchmarks in their sector of activity, two trusted brands for consumers, two market leaders: Galp and King Pie," said Galp Moçambique's CEO, Paulo Varela, projecting the success of the commercial relationship:

"It's just the first step. We want to replicate the model throughout the country, committed to continually improving our stations, with more convenience services, mobility and energy solutions, making them real meeting points for our customers," concluded Paulo Varela.

Present in the Mozambican market for around 20 years, King Pie sees this as an important opportunity for collaboration. "We are excited about this partnership. We are honored to be working with Galp, a leading company in Mozambique.

We want to grow together, expand this idea and exceed all expectations. Our sights are set on the future," said Rouaan Bredenkamp, representing King Pie. With this initial initiative at the Praça da OMM and Mahotas service stations, Galp and King Pie have ambitious plans to expand this offer throughout Maputo, raising the standard of service in the Galp service station network.

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