General elections: 170 EU observers already in the country

Eleições gerais: 170 Observadores da União Europeia já estão no país

One hundred and seventy election observers from twenty-four European Union member states are already in Mozambique to monitor the electoral process underway in the country.

Speaking to Rádio Moçambique, Margarida Alves, deputy head of the European Union's electoral observation mission, said on Tuesday that seventy-four short-term observers, diplomats from European Union member states accredited to Mozambique and a delegation of members of the European Parliament will join the mission, in which they will assess the voting process, the counting of votes and the tabulation of results.

The source stressed the need to improve the three recommendations made about the 2019 elections, namely the creation of a harmonized electoral code, permanent voter registration and publishing the minutes and notices of polling stations on an online platform. (RM)

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