Mozambican diplomat is expelled from Somalia. President refuses

The head of the Somali government, Mohamed Hussein Roble, on Wednesday issued an order expelling the Mozambican diplomat Special Representative of the Chairperson of the African Union Commission to Somalia, Francisco Caetano José Madeira, since 2015. Following this, Somali President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmaajo overturned Roble's decision.

The Somali prime minister wants the Mozambican diplomat to leave his country within 48 hours, i.e. by this Friday, accusing him of "participating in acts incompatible with his status" and therefore beingpersona non grata.

The Prime Minister did not provide any details about the alleged acts of misconduct.

The diplomat's expulsion was immediately rejected by the President of the Republic, Roble's political opponent.

Farmaajo reacted to Roble's decision by annulling, through a communiqué, the action against Francisco Madeira, and pointed out that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has not communicated to his representative any acts against the country's sovereignty.

On the other hand, the Somali President said, the Prime Minister's decision is "inclusive" and was issued by an office that does not have the sole responsibility to make a very crucial decision.

"It is a decision that needs to be carefully made, requiring consensus...There is no authentication by the President of the Republic with respect to acts against Ambassador Madeira."

The President has instructed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to carry out its duties, letting the AU Commission know that the expulsion of the envoy has not been adopted by all organs of the State of Somalia.

The President added that any decision associated with Somalia's relations with the rest of the world and the presence of foreign diplomats has a direct impact on the country's cooperation with the international community.

Francisco Madeira and the Mozambican diplomacy, namely, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has not yet reacted to the crisis in Somalia.

Expelling diplomats is customary in Somalia

This ministerial stand against Francisco Madeira comes five months after Ugandan diplomat Simon Mulongo was accused of similar acts last year.

In January 2019, the government declared then-United Nations envoy to Somalia Nicholas Haysom persona non grata for allegedly "violating protocols" and interfering in Somali affairs.

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