Mobile data: Mozambique with the lowest prices in SADC

Dados móveis: Moçambique com preços mais baixos da SADC

Mozambique is the country with the cheapest mobile data tariffs among the Southern African Development Community (SADC) states, according to a study published by Statista, a German platform specializing in data collection and visualization.

The study quoted by "Notícias" states that the average prices for 1GB of mobile data in SADC countries follow the following descending order: Angola $1.01, Botswana $1.99, Comoros $2.18, Eswatini $1.26, Lesotho $1.96, Madagascar $0.78, Malawi $0.38, Mauritius $0.67, Namibia $1,20, Seychelles $5.43, South Africa $1.81, Tanzania $0.82 and Mozambique shows, with the recent price changes, an average of $0.45 per GB.

Very recently, the telecommunications companies in Mozambique (Tmcel, Vodacom and Movitel) were forced to reduce their data prices in response to the regulatory incentive to compete in the market.

These reductions have positioned the country as a leader in low-cost mobile data, making it more accessible to a larger portion of the population.

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