Christian Council meets with political parties

Conselho Cristão reúne-se com partidos políticos

The Christian Council of Mozambique (CCM) is meeting in Maputo with political parties that will sit in the next parliament to discuss the situation in the country.

The president of the CCM, Rodrigues Dambo, said, quoted by "Noticias", that the initiative also aims to raise awareness among all sectors of society to put the country first, hence the designation of the motto. "Mozambique First".

"We want the actions of all of society to benefit the country in the best way. That's why we created this concept and initiative, because God cares about nations," he said.

According to the source, the event is co-organized by the CCM and the Evangelical Association of Mozambique and will be attended by representatives of Frelimo and PODEMOS, but MDM and Renamo have also been invited.

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