US congressmen learn about the workings of the INS

Congressistas norte-americanos inteiram-se do funcionamento do INS

The National Institute of Health (INS) recently received a delegation of congressmen from the United States of America (USA), led by the Executive Director of Global Health Advocacy at the United Nations Foundation, Chris Moore.

According to the information published on Tuesday, October 1, on the INS website, the visitors aimed to learn more about how the INS works, particularly in the field of the response to HIV-AIDS, Emerging Diseases and Vaccine Preventable Diseases in Mozambique.

On the occasion, the Director General of the INS, Eduardo Samo Gudo, gave an account of the institution's history, highlighting its achievements and challenges, including the approval of the Human Health Research Law, the INS Redefinition Decree, the establishment of provincial delegations, the setting up of provincial public health laboratories, among others.

During the meeting with the delegation, Samo Gudo presented and explained the responsibilities of the INS in the National Health System, highlighting surveillance actions, laboratory reference and the implementation of joint postgraduate programs with national and international higher education institutions.

In the same context, reads the INS publication, Samo Gudo shared his satisfaction with the work that the institution has been doing in the field of generating scientific evidence in health and revealed that his team was impressed with the functioning of the INS laboratories.

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