Global trade grew in the first quarter of 2024

Comércio global cresceu no primeiro trimestre de 2024

Global trade grew in the first quarter of 2024, following the boost given by positive trade dynamics in the United States and developing countries.

In the period, performance in the goods sector increased by around 1% quarter-on-quarter, while in services the increase was 1.5%, according to data from the United Nations, quoted by the UN News agency.

In terms of estimates and if current trends continue, global trade could reach 32 trillion dollars, according to data from the Trade and Development Agency, Unctad.

Among the positive trends in global trade and growth in trade, we highlight the high rates in exports with 9% in China, 7% in India and 3% in the United States. Meanwhile, there was a drop of 5% in Europe and Africa.

The data we've been citing highlights China and India as the countries with the best quarter-on-quarter export performance.

Advances in trade varied between sectors, with green energy and products related to artificial intelligence standing out.

Unctad highlights the appreciation of high-performance servers by 25% compared to the first quarter of 2023, while other computers and data storage units increased by 8%.

Unctad expects this growth to reach 250 billion dollars for trade in goods and around 100 billion dollars for the services sector during the first part of this year, compared to the second half of 2023.

Image credit: Germano Lüders/Exame

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