A multi-sectoral working group, which includes the Mozambican Banking Association (AMB), the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MIC), the Bank of Mozambique (BM), the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF), the Confederation of Economic Associations (CTA), led by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MADER) launched the platform for Inter-sectoral Coordination of Financing Mechanisms for the Agricultural Sector in Mozambique (CIFAM) yesterday in Maputo.
The CIFAM platform has the technical support of the German Development Cooperation (GIZ).
It is a platform that aims to promote public-private dialogue through the establishment and operationalization of technical and thematic working groups to unblock financing for the national agricultural sector. To make it operational, thematic working groups have been set up, namely the group discussing collateral guarantees, tax benefits and agricultural financing, digitalization of the agricultural ecosystem and the formalization and business development services group.
These working groups discuss defined themes aimed at creating and developing implementation strategies and policy positions in various areas related to agricultural finance, with a view to serving as a guide for the government, the private sector and international organizations in implementing the reforms needed to facilitate financing for the national agricultural sector.
The involvement of the different sectors in this project is expected to promote innovative approaches and practices in the field of agricultural finance, encourage gender-sensitive approaches to the same topic and strengthen the capacity of partners and stakeholders at national level in the public and private sectors.
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