CC rejects CDU's request to impeach Venâncio Mondlane

CC rejeita pedido de impugnação do CDU contra Venâncio Mondlane

The Constitutional Council (CC) has decided to reject the request to impeach Venâncio Mondlane for misuse of the symbols of the Democratic Alliance Coalition (CAD), submitted by the Congress of United Democrats (CDU).

In the ruling, the CC says that the applicant is not part of the Democratic Alliance Coalition and therefore has no legal standing to make such a request.

"Having looked at the case file, it appears that the CDU party is not part of the CAD coalition in the current elections, and has even registered on its own to run in the October 9 elections, under the terms of deliberation no. 51/CNE/2024, of May 22, consequently, the Congress of United Democracies (CDU) party, now the plaintiff, is not part of the Democratic Alliance (CDU) Coalition, and is therefore an illegitimate party," reads the ruling.

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