Flight cancellations due to bad weather: LAM says assistance to passengers must be shared

Cancelamento dos voos por mau tempo: LAM diz que assistência aos passageiros deve ser compartilhada

Mozambique Airlines (LAM) says that responsibility for assisting passengers must be shared in the event of flight cancellations due to bad weather.

In an interview with "O País" this Monday, the Technical and Operational Administrator explained that the airline is not fully responsible in the event of bad weather.

"In this case, cancellation due to bad weather, the company does its best to assist the passenger, but legally... it has some responsibility to put them back at their destination, but we were also, in a way, victims of the weather," Bruno Miranda, LAM's Technical and Operational Administrator, said during the interview.

"Legally, meteorological issues, we have a responsibility, we always do, but it's a situation that requires shared responsibility, it's something we can't control," he told the newspaper.

The source also said that the cancellation was caused by the fact that there were no landing conditions and therefore no timely warning.

"There was good planning, but when the pilot arrived and made his approach to Chimoio, he was unable to establish visual references with the airfield, which meant he couldn't land safely. In this case, the procedure is to diverge to the alternate," he explained

The company says it is working to avoid recurring flight cancellations and other complaints.

"It's exactly this kind of problem that we're here to solve. There is a communication strategy, there always has been. We are currently reviewing points that could create gaps and we are improving and designing a comprehensive communication process," said LAM's technical and operational administrator.

It should be noted that LAM currently has four aircraft, which, according to the director, are not enough to meet demand and it needs at least eight more.

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