The exploration of the Quiluma and Maboqueiro fields, in Angola, will start in 2026 with a production of 330 million standard cubic feet per day (mmscf/day), after the Final Investment Decision, announced today by the consortium.
"The National Oil, Gas and Biofuels Agency, Eni and the New Gas Consortium partners (Chevron, Sonangol, bp and Total) inform that the Final Investment Decision (FID) for the development of the Quiluma and Maboqueiro fields has now been taken by all members of the consortium," reads the statement sent to Lusa today.
The project "includes two offshore platforms, a gas processing plant and a connection to the Angola LNG plant for the commercialization of condensate and gas via LNG cargo," the statement said, noting that "project execution activities should begin in 2022, with first gas planned for 2026 and production expected to be 330 mmscf/day.
"The NGC partners, with the support of the relevant authorities, will continue to pursue the enactment of all contractual and regulatory approvals while working on the award of the major engineering, procurement, construction and installation (EPCI) contracts that will begin the construction phase," ENI said, quoted in the statement.
The New Gas Consortium is composed of Eni (26.6%, operator), Chevron (31.0%), Sonangol (19.8%), bp (11.8%) and Total (11.8%). (Lusa).
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