Cabo Delgado: Governor says demonstrations amount to terrorist acts

Cabo Delgado: Governador diz que manifestações equiparam-se a actos terroristas

The governor of Cabo Delgado province, Valige Tauabo, says that the actions of the demonstrators in this province are the same as those of terrorists.

Valige Tauabo was speaking this Saturday in the Ancuabe district, after a visit to the Meza administrative post, where public infrastructures have been vandalized and burned in the context of the protests.

Quoted by Rádio Moçambique, Tauabo says that the way the protesters act does not rule out the possibility of a terrorist element.

He urged the population not to join the violent demonstrations at the risk of being mistaken for insurgents.

"We are visiting the areas that were destroyed by the electoral claim and from what we see, this is where we conclude that we are not facing the electoral claim, the moment was taken to continue acting with the wedge of evil, terrorism," he said, quoted by RM.

Due to the wave of vandalization, which occurred in the context of the demonstrations last December, all public services at the Meza administrative post, in the Ancuabe district of Cabo Delgado, are closed.

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