Boane. Campaign launched for free condom availability

Boane. Lançada campanha para disponibilidade gratuita do preservativo

As part of the operationalization of the National Condom Strategy (2020-2023), the Executive Secretariat of the Provincial AIDS Council today launched a 6-month pilot campaign to create demand and increase the availability and accessibility of free government condoms in the district of Boane.

The aim of the campaign is to increase access, availability and the correct and consistent use of condoms by increasing their appeal, showing that they are not lacking in quality just because they are free, but in fact follow the same manufacturing standards as branded condoms.

This is done with the unique slogan "Fazes Bem", which is distinguished by a playful and educational approach to the subject of pleasure, as it is aimed at young consumers living in the district.

Today's launch ceremony, at the Khohlwisa Eventos hall in the Boane district, took place at the same time as the new batch of free condoms was being made available at more points of sale. It was presided over by the Deputy Executive Secretary of the National Council for Combating AIDS, Idalina Libombo, and was attended by members of the Provincial and District Governments, as well as representatives of the private sector and Civil Society Organizations involved in the response to HIV and AIDS.

The "Fazes Bem" campaign is a partnership led by the National AIDS Council, the Provincial and District Governments, and the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, with the support of Project Last Mile.

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