The South Korean International Development Agency (KOICA) intends to install surveillance cameras on Mozambican roads for the control and prevention of road accidents, in the cities of Maputo and Matola, in a first phase.
The investment in such behavioral surveillance infrastructures for drivers and pedestrians will cost about seven million dollars already approved for this purpose by the Korean agency.
It is also expected that in this process, lane separators will be installed on National Road Number 1, which may prevent traffic on the wrong side of the road, as exemplified by Youngsun Jung, Koika's National Director, quoted by "O País".
In addition, Koica's intention is to see the speed limit on the roads reduced, and "we will also train the staff of the MTC, INATRO, ANE, and municipalities.
"Cameras will be set up on the roads to monitor the behavior of pedestrians as well as drivers, and there will be a monitoring room," detailed Napoleão Sumbana, spokesman for the National Institute of Road Transport.
After Maputo and Matola, the project will cover other points considered critical, along the EN1, in terms of traffic accidents.
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