Access Bank impacts more than 2,000 lives with blood donation campaign

Access Bank impacta mais de 2 mil vidas com campanha de doação de sangue

As part of its social responsibility activities and as in recent years, Access Bank Mozambique held another blood collection campaign under the slogan "Donate Blood, Share Life". This partnership with the National Blood Service took place during the month of June in Maputo, Beira, Chimoio, Tete, Nacala and Nampula.

In all, around 550 bags of blood were collected, which will be essential for filling the shortage in hospitals and saving countless lives. As well as collecting blood, talks were given to raise awareness of the importance of donating blood regularly.

Bank employees, clients and members of the community in the provinces where the campaign took place joined in.

Marco Abalroado, Managing Director of Access Bank Mozambique, said of this initiative; "We are extremely proud and grateful for the incredible participation of our employees and the community in general. This action reinforces our commitment to social responsibility, but also demonstrates the strength of solidarity when we unite for a noble cause," said Marco Abalroado, Managing Director of Access Bank Mozambique.

SENASA officials stressed the importance of this partnership, believing that the collaboration with Access Bank was essential to the success of the campaign. The donations will strengthen the stock hospitals and health centers, providing blood collected under all safety conditions.

Access Bank Mozambique reinforces its ongoing commitment to social actions that promote the well-being of the community.

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