Opening a Bank Account: Minimum Age Reduced to 15

Abertura da conta bancaria: Idade mínima reduz para 15 anos

The Assembly of the Republic (AR) approved yesterday, in generality and by consensus, the Law Proposal that establishes the Legal Regime of Bank Accounts, which reduces to between 15 and 18 the minimum age for opening and operating a bank account, through the authorization of a legal representative or curator of minors.

"The opening of accounts by minors under 18 years of age and over 15 years of age is exceptionally allowed, upon written authorization by a legal representative or, failing that, by the curator of minors," said the Minister of Justice, Constitutional and Religious Affairs, Helena Kida, quoted by "Notícias", at the presentation of the device in the AR.

The governor explained that individuals aged 18 and over can freely open, operate, and close bank accounts, as opposed to the previous regime, which set 21 years of age.

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