Cyclone "Jude": Rehabilitation of roads and bridges budgeted at 1.2 billion Meticais

Ciclone “Jude”: Reabilitação de estradas e pontes orçada em 1.2 mil milhões de Meticais

The Mozambican state needs 1.2 billion meticais to carry out emergency work, namely restoring the circulation of vehicles on roads and bridges cut off by Tropical Storm Jude in the north of the country.

Of this amount, around 971 million will be spent in the province of Nampula, by the way the most affected by tropical storm "JUDE".

According to a report in Noticias, the money will be used, initially, to carry out emergency works on the critical sections in the provinces of Tete, Zambézia, Nampula, Cabo Delgado and Niassa, in order to ensure that the damaged areas can be made passable as quickly as possible. Survey work is currently underway.

The information, according to the newspaper, was provided on Friday by the Minister for Transport and Logistics, João Matlombe, at the Namialo Administrative Post, in the Meconta district of Nampula, after visiting the bridges that had been cut on the N1.

The purpose of the visit was to monitor the work of the Nampula Provincial Executive Council, which has saved families who were at risk.

Matlombe said that specialist work is needed, given the complexity of the situation. Until the bridges are repaired, alternatives need to be created so that traffic can flow again to guarantee supplies to the affected areas.

The cuts in various sections are complex and it is not possible to set a timeframe for the work. However, the minister stressed that the most important thing is to ensure that traffic returns to normal.

Also quoted in the publication, the government official admitted that the circulation of large-tonnage trucks requires sizing and prepared infrastructure, which requires time to evaluate and make the best decision.

Meanwhile, the Nampula-Cabo Delgado road link is still cut off, while in Anchilo, about 20 kilometers from the city of Nampula, traffic is limited by a detour.

The minister's visit to Nampula was accompanied by the director-general of the National Roads Administration, Elias Paulo, as well as officials from the Ministry of Public Works.

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