Access Bank launches Glossary of Finance in the most widely spoken languages in Mozambique

Access Bank lança Glossário de Finanças nas línguas mais faladas em Moçambique

With the aim of strengthening financial inclusion and promoting financial literacy, Access Bank Mozambique has just launched a Finance Glossary, called Mundo das Finanças (World of Finance), with the most commonly used banking terms, available in digital format on the Bank's website. 

This innovative project adds value by facilitating access to financial terms in the six most widely spoken mother tongues in Mozambique, namely: Changana (Maputo);

Emakhuwa (Nampula); Cindau (Sofala); Cinyungwa (Tete); Cithhswa (Inhambane); and Ciwutee (Manica).

The Glossary is a technical dictionary designed, in this case, to clarify the banking terms most commonly used on a daily basis, presented in a clear, simple and concise manner.

The document has been carefully designed to be accessible to everyone, regardless of their level of knowledge about finance and banking.

"This glossary is an educational tool that aims to empower our customers with sound and accessible financial knowledge, enabling them to make informed and conscious decisions," says Marco Abalroado, Managing Director of Access Bank Mozambique. "It's not just a resource, it's also a bridge to financial inclusion. By being translated into the main local languages, we ensure that financial knowledge is within everyone's reach,

regardless of their origin or previous level of education," he said.

The Glossary: World of Finance explains the meaning of technical terms such as Inflation, Microfinance, Credit Card and Debit Card, Amortization, Assets, Forfeiture and VAT, among many others. Through this document, a pioneer in Mozambique, customers and the general population can improve their financial literacy and deepen their knowledge of the area.

Access Bank thus reaffirms its commitment to promoting access to financial information and empowering Mozambican communities, contributing to a more inclusive and informed society, while valuing the country's cultural and linguistic diversity.

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