Government disburses more than 5 million meticais to support new talent

Governo desembolsa mais de 5 milhões de meticais para apoiar novos talentos

The Ministry of Culture and Tourism will disburse six and a half million meticais to support new talent and first works, including music video productions, distribution and exhibition of audiovisual and cinematographic works.

The second edition of the Tender for Support and Financing of Audiovisual and Cinematographic Activity was launched this Tuesday in Maputo.

Quoted by Rádio Moçambique, the Minister of Culture and Tourism said that the initiative was part of the government's efforts to support the development of the audiovisual and film sector, highlighting the strategic importance of the cultural and creative industries.

Edelvina Meterula called on filmmakers and other culture makers not to shy away from the challenges and for government support to develop their initiatives.

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