Three more provinces with measles outbreaks

Mais três províncias com registo de surto de Sarampo

Nampula, Zambézia and Sofala have recorded outbreaks of measles, following laboratory confirmation of samples of suspected cases, bringing the number of provinces with episodes of the disease to five. 

According to the "Notícias" publication, data on the epidemiological situation regarding measles points to 546 patients since the outbreak of the disease in July.

In Cabo Delgado province alone, 350 cases were reported, Niassa, 68, Nampula and Sofala, 41, and Zambézia, 46.

The data also shows that Cabo Delgado and Niassa have not registered any new cases for more than 30 days and two weeks, respectively, with the latter declaring the end of the outbreak.

As a measure to stop the disease, the measles immunization campaign was recently carried out in all districts of Cabo Delgado, and the third round of recovery of zero-dose and under-immunized children in the center and north.

The head of the Extended Vaccination Program (PAV), Leonildo Nhampossa, said at the time that vaccination uptake had been satisfactory, because by the end of the round 1,692,394 under-15s had been immunized.

The process involved 1487 vaccination teams, ranging from health technicians, typists and logisticians, as well as community mobilizers, local leaders and other sectors.

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