Fátima Mimbire is head of MDM list for governor in Maputo

Fátima Mimbire é cabeça-de lista do MDM para governador em Maputo

Social activist and journalist Fátima Mimbire is the Democratic Movement of Mozambique's (MDM) bet for the post of governor in Maputo province.

The party's spokesman, Ismael Nacucue, was quoted by "O País" as saying that criteria approved by the National Council were used to make the choice, and he believes that it was the right appointment.

The source clarified that, through the National Council, a space has been opened for members of society to be nominated.

He believes it is an excellent choice, since "the practical exercise carried out by civil society is also political in its own right".

Fátima Mimbire is a social activist with a lot of "road", who has stood out for her critical approach to the government of the day.

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