WhatsApp announced yesterday, Tuesday (16), the introduction of a new feature to help users quickly find the most important messages. These are conversation filters, which ensure that priority messages are highlighted without the need to scroll through the entire inbox.
According to a Sapo TeckNow, users can choose between three filters that will appear at the top of the list of conversations: All, Unread and Groups, which you can select just by tapping.
The All option is the default view you currently have, listing all the messages you have received, in chronological order. If you choose Unread, this filter allows you to first list the conversations that you still need to reply to or that have new or unopened messages, so that you can prioritize them.
Finally, the Groups filter gathers all group conversations in one place, making it easy to find them among all the other messages. This also shows the subgroups of communities in which you participate.
"We believe the filters will make it easier for people to stay organized and find the most important conversations, as well as help them scroll through messages more efficiently," the social network said in the statement.
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