Sofala. SERNIC agent sentenced to 3 years in prison for shooting neighbor

An agent of the National Criminal Investigation Service (SERNIC), was sentenced this Tuesday by the Judicial Court of Beira city, in Sofala, to three years in prison for shooting a neighbor.   

According to Rádio Moçambique, the convict must also pay the victim, who was injured, nine hundred thousand meticais in compensation.

The case happened in March of this year, in the Chipangara neighborhood of Beira, when the agent intervened in a fight between a friend and his neighbor.

To allegedly break up the brawl, the officer ended up firing two shots at his friend's opponent, hitting him in the abdomen area and an arm.

The victim, a forty-year-old man, had to have surgery and was unable to work.

The judge in the case, Claudina Mulandeza, explained that during the trial it was proven that the SERNIC agent acted in free consciousness and deliberately, with intent to cause pain to the victim. (RM)

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