As part of the attribution of the title "Promoting Company of the Portuguese Language" granted by the Portuguese State, Millennium bim and Camões, Institute for Cooperation and Language, I.P. signed on September 2, 2022, a protocol for the Promotion and Study of the Portuguese Language.
The ceremony took place at FACIM, during the Mozambique-Portugal Business Forum.
The protocol provides for Millennium bim's financial support for research projects in the areas of teaching Portuguese in Mozambique for the two-year period 2022-2024. This support from Millennium bim is part of the Bank's social responsibility policy, where education is one of the crucial pillars.
Millennium bim's support will reinforce the work that Camões, I.P. has been developing in several provinces of Mozambique, with the main public universities, to promote the Portuguese language, particularly through activities and contents promoted by the Portuguese Language Centers, research initiatives in the area of teaching and intercultural studies, and also the organization of pedagogical and cultural activities.
On this occasion, the President of the Executive Committee of Millennium bim, José Reino da Costa, justified Millennium bim's contribution with the importance of Mozambique's official language as the basis for the country's development: "This support from Millennium bim is the material expression of the Bank's commitment for more than 25 years: to contribute to the sustainable development of Mozambique.
In this context, language appears to be a fundamental instrument, because it is through language that bonds of trust and cohesion are established that allow community life and guarantee peace and prosperity," explained José Reino da Costa. "Thus, promoting the knowledge and expansion of the Portuguese language is also contributing to the progress of the country.
The promotion of Education, an area which includes the promotion and teaching of the Portuguese language, is one of the fundamental pillars of the Social Responsibility program "Mais Moçambique pra Mim", whose activities are often developed in partnership with local, governmental and international entities, as well as with the local civil society.
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