Google introduces robots capable of understanding and executing orders

US tech giant Google announced on Wednesday that it has developed robots capable of understanding orders issued in human language and fulfilling tasks requested by their owners, such as delivering food or cleaning supplies.

The California-based company shared with EFE a video where these robots are performing small tasks.

The robots are sort of white cylindrical towers with wheels and a black box on top that gives the appearance of eyes.

The innovative aspect of these robots, according to Google, is that they use artificial intelligence to "think" for themselves, that is, they are not programmed to perform a specific task.

However, they are able to hear a human order, interpret it, and execute it, reacting based on the message received.

If the human says to the robot "I'm hungry, can you bring me food?", the robot automatically analyzes the phrase, contextualizes it, and makes a decision to solve the problem, such as bringing the owner a piece of fruit or candy.

This capability greatly facilitates machine-human interaction and differentiates these robots from other models that perform more advanced tasks.

Some of these are already available in the market, but they only respond to requests for which they were specifically programmed. (Notícias ao Minuto)

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