Rehabilitation of Boane-Namaacha road to start soon

Arranca em breve reabilitação da estrada Boane-Namaacha

The rehabilitation works of the national road number two, EN2, in the Boane-Namaacha section in Maputo province, with 39 kilometers, will start soon, informed an official source quoted by Radio Mozambique.

The director of Infrastructure Services in Maputo province, Fernando Andela, said that the tender for the selection of the contractor was launched this week, and the works will be financed by the Mozambican state.

The source also explained that the road connecting Mozambique to neighboring Swatini is part of the government's priorities, due to its importance in the circulation of people and goods of the two countries.

"These are more robust interventions in the most critical points, but we also have along the 39 kilometers, action linked to plugging potholes," he said.

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