Tag: London Court

Home " London Court
Moçambique conhece hoje o veredicto final do caso das dívidas ocultas no tribunal de Londres

Mozambique learns today of the final verdict in the hidden debts case in the London court

The verdict in the case concerning the payment of bribes to enable illegal loans to PROINDICUS, MAM and EMATUM, on trial at the High Court in London, will be announced today, Monday (29). The newspaper Notícias reports that the trial was originally due to take place last week, but without justification, Judge Robin Knowles of the High Court in London postponed the verdict. Mozambique sued...

Tribunal de Londres reconhece imunidade de Filipe Nyusi no caso das dívidas ocultas

London court recognizes Filipe Nyusi's immunity in case of hidden debts

The High Court in London revealed on Monday that the President of the Republic, Filipe Nyusi, will benefit from diplomatic immunity during the trial of the case of Mozambique's hidden debts in the British courts. The decision was made public on Monday, when Judge Robin Knowles ruled that Filipe Nyusi "has immunity from the jurisdiction of this Court...